EZ Exporter Update: Returns Information Now Available in Shopify Order Exports

We've just pushed an update to EZ Exporter which allows for returns information to be included in Shopify order data exports.

This allows you to generate a CSV or Excel report including the names of the returns, the return status, returned quantity by line item, and the return reason.

Under the "Fields" section of the Data Settings, you can now select the following fields:

Order Level

returns.name Returns Names (type: text). A comma-separated list of return names for returns …
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Exporting Fulfillment Dates at the Line Item Level From Shopify Orders

EZ Exporter has had the Shopify order fulfillment date field available for a while now, but this field is the final fulfillment date for the entire order.

We've gotten a request recently from one of our customers asking if it's possible to also figure out when a specific line item in the order was fulfilled.  The reason is an order could contain products to be fulfilled by multiple vendors and they'd like to be able to run a report to measure the …

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EZ Notify: Include UTM Parameters in the Slack Message

We've just pushed a small update to EZ Notify to give our users the option to include UTM and other query parameters in the Slack notification message.

This data is part of the "Landing Site" field, which we've had for a while. However, this is normally a long string of characters which is hard to read.

With this update, you can now include just the landing page's UTM parameters so you can much more easily read the data. Another field …

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EZ Exporter: Export Additional Gift Card Data From Shopify Orders

We've gotten a few customer questions recently regarding exporting gift card information applied to the Shopify order.

One customer needed to export the last 4 characters of the gift card code that was used to pay for the order and another needed the amount paid by gift card. These data are stored in the order transaction data provided by the Shopify API and our app has functions that can be used in the Calculated Fields to retrieve them, but we …

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Export Shopify Order Fulfillment Locations at the Line Item Level With EZ Exporter

You can now export the fulfillment location names and IDs at the line item level from your Shopify order data with EZ Exporter.

The fulfillment location IDs had been available at the order level for some time now and but we've recently received a request to be able run sales reports by product and fulfillment location. To do this, we needed to parse the fulfillment data returned by the Shopify API and match them up with the line items …

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